Organic Social Media Campaigns

These case studies will give you an idea of what I can do for you

Audience Growth Campaign | @EssiCrana | Nov '22 - Apr '23

Campaign Length: Nov. 16th, 2022 - April 4th, 2023

Objectives: Grow audiences on Youtube & Instagram by 20% by Q1 2023

Strategy: Build brand awareness and increase audience size through short-form content.

Tactics: Post 3 identical pieces of short-form content daily on each channel. Content is derived from 3 main categories; mindset conversations, personal hobbies/ lifestyle, and music.

Results: I was able to grow the Instagram account from 771 followers to 990 followers during the campaign. This is a 28.4% increase - 8.4% more than my target KPI.

On YouTube I was able to grow the subscribers from 135 subscribers to 355 subscribers. This is a 163.7% increase - 143% more than my target KPI.

The YouTube Channel

Campaign Length: Nov. 16th, 2022 - April 4th, 2023

Objectives: Grow Youtube subscribers by 20% by Q1 2023

Strategy: Build brand awareness and increase audience size through short-form content.

Tactics: Post 3 quality YouTube Shorts every day. Create shorts in 3 main categories; mindset conversations, personal hobbies/ lifestyle, and music. Utilize reposts and repurposed content to help ease the work load.

Results: I was able to grow the subscribers from 135 subscribers to 355 subscribers. This is a 163.7% increase - 143% more than my target KPI.

Observations: YouTube was definitely a spectacle to behold. The traffic driven by the shorts feed is amazing! I remember seeing the first one of my videos that broke the 1k view threshold - I was really impressed. That video also gained me about 4 or 5 new subscribers. As I kept posting consistently it happened again - not just once or twice, but numerous times.

I would monitor my analytics on a weekly or semi-weekly basis and I made the observation that my top-performing videos all revolved around the "personal hobbies/lifestyle" category. More specifically, it was my skimboarding/ beach videos. So based on this information, I began to double down on this type of content.

This led to several of my video gaining over 1k views and 2k views. In fact, during this period my channel gained over 105k views and over 300k impressions.

Noteworthy Moments: Towards the end of the campaign one of the better-performing videos, which was about 1 month old at the time, suddenly started gaining thousands of views each week.

There was no additional effort on my part for this particular video. All I was doing was posting 3 shorts per day and engaging with all of the comments.

The Instagram Account

Campaign Length: Nov. 16th, 2022 - April 4th, 2023

Objectives: Grow Instagram followers by 20% by Q1 2023

Strategy: Build brand awareness and increase audience size through short-form content.

Tactics: Post 3 quality Instagram reels every day. Create reels in 3 main categories; mindset conversations, personal hobbies/ lifestyle, and music. Utilize reposts and repurposed content to help ease the workload.

Results: I was able to grow the followers from 771 followers to 990 followers. This is a 28.4% increase - 8.4% more than my target KPI.

Observations: Instagram was definitely harder to penetrate. I would get a lot of engagement from my existing audience but growth was very slow in the beginning. Sometimes I would go an entire week without gaining a single new follower.

When the followers did come, however, they usually came in groups. I would get 3 - 5 followers at a time, and there were multiple instances where I would get 8 - 10 new followers in a day. On the "New Instagram Followers" chart above you can see that there was even one day when I managed to gain 18 followers in a single day.

Out of the 1699 profile visits I received during this timeframe, 219 people decided to follow me. Assuming that these profile visits were from unique users, then that would be a 12.88% conversion rate. While conversion rate was not one of my KPIs for this campaign, it's still worth noting.

The posts that seemed to perform the best on my Instagram would be those from the "mindset conversations" category. I had two of those posts gain 6k - 7k views each within the same week and out of my 10 best-performing reels in this period 50% were from the "mindset conversations" category. I was able to reach over 33k Instagram accounts during this campaign - all organically.

Noteworthy Moments: One of those posts is responsible for the 18-follower spike mentioned earlier. At over 7k views, it is also the number one most-viewed reel on my Instagram account.

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30 N Gould St

Ste 20976

Sheridan, WY

30 N Gould St, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

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